The government has added XL bully types to the list of banned dangerous dogs. It's now illegal to breed, sell, advertise, exchange, gift, rehome, abandon, or allow XL bully type dogs to stray in England and Wales.
To keep an XL Bully legally, you should already have obtained a certificate of exemption from the government and comply with additional restrictions; including keeping them on a lead and muzzled in public, having them neutered and having third party liability insurance.
What’s our stance on pets outlined in the Dangerous Dog Act?
We encourage safe and responsible pet ownership for customers. We understand that pets hold a valuable role within families and provide companionship and security for owners. However, we need to make sure that customer’s pets don’t negatively affect others, cause a nuisance, or present a risk to public safety.
We don’t allow customers to own dogs outlined in the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, unless they have successfully applied for exemption and can demonstrate that they comply with government guidelines outlined below.
You can find more information in your tenancy agreement, or by reviewing our Animal Ownership Policy.
What are your obligations as an owner of an XL Bully type dog?
If you own an XL Bully dog and have a certificate of exemption, you must (if you have not already done so):
- Send an email to Tenancymanagementtriage@orbit.org.uk who will send you a Pet Permission Request form and a Dog Behaviour Contract.
- You must complete and return the form and contract, to demonstrate your commitment to making sure that your dog will not pose any safety risks in your community.
- Send us a copy of their ‘Certificate of Exemption’ to prove you are legally allowed to keep the dog. These documents will be kept on your file.
We know that many XL bully type dogs are much-loved family pets and that most owners are sensible and take good care of their animals. However, there have been some serious incidents where people have lost their lives or sustained serious injuries due to attacks by XL bully type dogs. The government have changed the law to protect the public. Unlawful ownership is being taken very seriously. To keep your XL bully type dog from being seized and you being charged with a criminal offence, you must:
- Have successfully obtained a ‘certificate of exemption’ from DEFRA (government agency) and produce a copy as evidence if you’re asked by a police officer or Local Authority enforcement officer.
- Have had your dog microchipped and neutered by the deadlines provided in the government guidance below.
- Make sure the dog is kept on a lead and muzzled when in public spaces, including when transported in a vehicle.
- Make sure your dog is kept in a secure place at all times, so they can’t escape.
- Make sure you have third party liability insurance cover for your dog for its lifetime. You can get this through for a low cost through Dog's Trust.
- You must not allow anyone under the age of 16 years to own or walk the dog.
- You need to tell DEFRA if you permanently change address, if the dog dies or if the dog is exported.
For further information on adhering to the rules, visit the government guidance.
What if I have an XL Bully type dog but don’t have a certificate of exemption?
If you do own an XL Bully type dog and have not followed the guidelines for a certificate of exemption, you’re not only breaking the law but are also in breach of your tenancy agreement.
Now that the government’s XL bully exemption scheme has closed, you’ll need to contact DEFRA or your local police force for advice. They’ll be able to advise you on the process to apply to get your dog exempted so they are not seized in the future.
In these circumstances we advise you to contact us on Tenancymanagementtriage@orbit.org.uk to discuss how it might affect your tenancy.
What if I am worried that my puppy looks like an XL bully type?
It is now illegal to sell or rehome an XL bully type puppy. If you’ve already taken on a puppy and you are worried that it might have some features of an XL bully type dog, it's advisable to contact DEFRA for advice on whether your dog is of type and for further information on how to have your dog exempted.
What should I do if I am worried that an Orbit customer has a dangerous dog?
XL Bully breeds are banned and it’s now illegal to own one without following the correct procedures for exemption.
If you have any concerns about an illegal XL bully or any other banned breed, or if you see one out in public without a lead or muzzle, you should contact the police. If you are concerned that a dog is dangerous or has aggressive behaviour, regardless of the breed, then you should report the dog to the police or local authority.
If you’ve reason to believe that an Orbit customer has an XL Bully type dog, call us on 0800 678 1221 so we can make enquiries.
For further advice on safety around dogs you can visit the PDSA website.