Bee inspired. Bee engaged.
As pollinators, bees play a part in every aspect of our lives.
Food security – one out of every three bites you eat was pollinated by bees. Nearly 90% of the world’s wild flowering plant species, more than 75% of food crops and 35% of global agricultural land1 depends on animal pollination.
Biodiversity – There are over 20,000 species of bee, but native bees are particularly important, as they have evolved with the flora that grows best in the UK.
Nature’s health – Bees help to maintain diversity within an ecosystem. It would cost us an estimated £1.8billion2 every year to do the job of bees and other pollinators – and yet they do it for free!
Sadly, bee populations are under threat. World Bee Day is an excellent opportunity to put bees at the forefront of our minds, just for one day, and encourage actions that improve landscapes for bees and help safeguard their future.
At Orbit we recognise we must go beyond just preventing biodiversity loss and work to enhance biodiversity across our local communities. We've got lots of outdoor spaces across our estates, big and small, and recognise that there are many opportunities to improve these for the benefit of the environment and our customers. We’re committed to doing this through our Orbit Earth programme, and recognise that there are experts in nature conservation that can help us with this. That’s why we have partnered with the Wildlife Trusts.
Read on to find out what you can do to support your local bees:
- Learn more about why bees are under threat
- Support your local beekeepers and farmers – buy honey and other hive products #ShopSmall
- Make your home bee-friendly – organisations like Green&Blue sell Bee BricksTM and other products that provide homes for wildlife.
- Make your garden great for pollinators – bees love flowering trees, and simple open flowers are ideal for honey bees, with short tongues3. You can find out more here.
- Avoid using chemicals like pesticides, fungicides and herbicides where possible.
- Build a bee hotel! The Wildlife Trusts, who we have recently partnered with, and the RSPB have great DIY instructions.
- Raise awareness– search for any World Bee Day events happening near you or virtually and spread awareness of the significance of bees and other pollinators.
#WorldBeeDay #GiveNatureAHome #SaveTheBees