We also want to let you know that we have free mental health tools to help guide you, should you need them at anytime. Just visit the myWellbeing page on our website for more information.
You can also access Togetherall, our free, anonymous online support service (just go to option one in the drop-down menu). It’s monitored by healthcare professionals around the clock and includes access to a range of online courses, tools, trackers and self-help resources. Check out their introduction video. Take control, get support, feel better.
This year in particular, a lot of people will be feeling the impact of the increased cost of living and the rise in energy prices and may need help managing money. That pressure can trigger mood swings, making it more challenging to control spending and debt can spiral. We’ve got support for that too, just visit our myMoney webpage for more information. You can also find out more about the other types of support available by visiting our new Cost of living hub.
We’ve also pulled together some helpful tips to help you manage your wellbeing this holiday season:
- Be gentle, generous and patient with yourself. It's ok to prioritise what's best for you, even if others don't seem to understand. Think about what support you need and explore ways how you might be able to get it. Consider talking to someone you trust about what you need to cope. It’s always good to talk, no matter how you are feeling.
- Plan ahead by thinking about what might be difficult about Christmas for you, and if there's anything that might help you manage more easily. It might be useful to write it down. It’s okay to say set boundaries and say no to things that aren’t helpful to you.
- If you think you will be feeling lonely or isolated this Christmas, think of some ways to help pass the time. This might be doing something creative or spending time in nature. Age UK has a free befriending service that can put you in touch with someone to speak with, all from the comfort of your own home. You can also find tips on how to make new connections with others by visiting the Marmalade Trust.
- You can also access free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging mental health support through the charity, Mental Health Innovations. Just text ‘SHOUT’ to 8258 for free on most UK mobile networks. You'll then be connected to a volunteer for an anonymous conversation by text message.
- If you can't be with the people you want to see in person, you could arrange a phone or video call to catch up with them on the day, or try to arrange a visit around Christmas, if there is a time when it's possible to meet.
- Try to plan something nice to do after Christmas. Having something to look forward to next year could make a real difference in how you are feeling about the festive season
- You don't have to justify yourself to others. You might feel pressured to, especially if someone asks a lot of questions. It could help to let them know that certain situations are difficult for you and tell them what they can do to help. It might also help to tell them that you understand they may see things in a different way.
For more top tips and information, please visit the MIND website.