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Read Phil’s update in full here.
"The start of a new year feels like a good time to follow-up on the email I sent last summer and to update you on some of the work we’ve been doing to improve the services that matter to you most as an Orbit customer.
"I was open with you in my previous email that some of the changes we’re planning will take a long time to put in place. While this is still the case, I’m pleased to say we’re making good progress and we’ve been working closely with our engaged customers to make a difference to your everyday experience of Orbit.
Some of the improvements we’ve been working on
"When it comes to estate services, we’ve introduced new contracts for window cleaning and communal cleaning across all regions. We’ve also introduced new grounds maintenance contracts in some areas. We hope you’re seeing the benefits of these. We know there have been initial issues on some estates and we’re working with customers and partners on standards.
"We’ve been focusing on improving our communication to you. This means keeping you up to date with any changes to estate services and having more customer meetings on your estates. You’ll find more information on our customer website about the services you receive, and you can also now raise estate services queries in myAccount.
"We’re continuing to make improvements to our complaints service so you can expect us to put things right when they’ve gone wrong. Our work in this area is ongoing, but we’ve introduced a new team who’ll check-in to make sure you’re happy with the actions we’ve promised to carry out as part of your complaint resolution. We’re also working closer than ever with our contractor partners to share information and feedback, so we all learn from our mistakes and make sure they don’t happen again.
"We’ve been making changes in our customer support hub so we’re easier to deal with. We know we’ve got more work to do, but we’ve introduced a new phone system, new ‘queue busting’ processes, and additional training. Over recent months we’ve seen an improvement in how long you have to wait for your call to be answered. The average wait time is now just over six minutes. This is much better, but still too high and we’re aiming to bring your wait time down further by the end of spring. Look out for further changes when you call us as well as improvements to our digital services to make your dealings with us quicker and easier.
"Engaged Customers continue to play an important role in shaping all of these improvements and many more, so thank you to all those who give their time to help us do better. You can find out more about our customer engagement activities and how you can get involved at facebook.com/groups/YourVoice.
We’re making some changes to how we’re run
"We’ve been recruiting two customers to sit on our Board as non-executive directors and ensure your voice is right at the heart of our decision making. I’m delighted to tell you that Maxwell Doku and Sayo Ogundayo are the two customers who’ve been appointed and I’m very much looking forward to working with them. You can read more about our new Board members here.
Share your views with us
"We know how important it is that we work with you to keep your homes safe and well-maintained, and we’ve started the process of acquiring new contractors to deliver our repairs and planned maintenance services. The new contracts won’t be in place until 2027; however at this early stage we want to get your feedback on our repairs and planned maintenance services and understand what you expect from these in the future.
"A formal consultation will come later in the process. This is a chance for us to listen to you and take your feedback on board from the start. There’s more information at https://www.orbitcustomerhub.org.uk/new-repairs-partners/ along with a link to a survey where you can share your views. The survey will close on Monday 10 February 2025 and everyone who completes this will be entered into a draw to win one of four £50 Love2Shop vouchers. Terms and conditions are on the webpage.
We’re here to support you
"Finally, I want to remind you that we’re here to help if you find the winter months particularly difficult. Thousands of Orbit residents have benefitted from our Better Days services. These include money and energy advice, employment skills and wellbeing support. You can find out more on the Help and Support page of our customer website orbitcustomerhub.org.uk/help-support. Alternatively, you can or call us on 0800 678 1221 or pop into one of our Community Hubs if there’s one near you.
"Please do keep well through the winter and be sure to get in touch if you need us."
Yours sincerely,
Phil Andrew
Chief Executive Officer
Please check back at the end of January for a video message from Phil Andrew. In the meantime, don’t forget to leave your feedback on our repairs and planned maintenance services. Our survey closes on 10 February 2025.