Knowing how to budget your money and plan your spending is important to help you stay out of debt and in control of your finances. You can find more information on our myMoney webpage.
We have free useful tools you can use to help you budget.
Planning your budget
Spending diary
Budget planner
Benefit Calculators
Spending diary
Keeping track of what you spend in a diary can help you see more clearly where your money goes. It's a way to help you understand where you might want to make changes with how you spend your money. It will help you prioritise what’s most important and where you may be able to make savings.
Hints and tips
Write a note of when you’re likely to overspend. If you can identify trends that lead to overspending, you might be able to prevent them in the future by being more aware.
If you haven't tried a budget planner before, it could be a great first move to get your money on track. Use it regularly to keep an eye on what's coming in and going out, and make sure you're keeping up with your regular payments.
With a budget planner, you can:
Figure out where you could spend less and save money
Get ready for the future and reach your money goals
Cut down or put together any debts you might have.
Benefit calculators can help figure out what benefits you might qualify for and how much money you could get. For the best results, you'll need details about your savings, income, pension, childcare payments, and any benefits you and your partner receive (if you have one).